Saturday, November 11, 2006

*Now* what?

Some of my other blog adventures ("blogventures," if you will) haven't quite panned out. In particular, "Movies That Will Suck" didn't have the staying power for which I'd hoped. Partly this is because I haven't been as aggressively into movies lately, and partly it's because there really is something of a shortage of terrible upcoming movies about which there are worthwhile jokes to be made.

I'm hoping that "The Frugal Gourmand" will be different. I've always found it interesting that "gourmand" has two different definitions that, within the set of "people who eat," are virtual opposites - one is "a lover of good food," and the other is "a glutton," someone who eats to excess and with little discrimination. So the most pretentious food critic is a gourmand, but so is a 400-pound guy killing his seventh bag of Cheetos on the Barcalounger? How does that even make sense?

Fortunately, there are ways in which I epitomize both definitions of the term. I do enjoy truly great food, to the point that I believe it is worth spending a hundred bucks on a two-person dinner sometimes. That said, I don't exactly have the money to eat like that all the time. And I'm also something of an experimental eater when it comes to snacks and fast food. New product? Sure, I'll try it. I'm part food critic and part frat boy, though certainly not pegged to either extreme in any way.

So what can you expect if you're one of the three people who ever reads this? I'll probably compress any candy and pop reviews that I do into this blog (though I'll probably still archive the pop reviews at BigFlax later), along with various other food and restaurant commentary. One thing you won't find much, if any, of is reviews of ridiculous haute-couture places (like, say, Alinea). That's not what being a frugal gourmand is all about.


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