Saturday, November 11, 2006

I am definitely not loving it

There's a Simpsons episode from 2003 featuring the "Ribwich," a Krusty Burger sandwich that is an obvious parody of the McRib. Portrayed as made of questionable meat and possessing a mystifying popularity, the Ribwich ends up getting discontinued because the animal from which it was made went extinct. That should tell you something about the perception of the McRib, and yet there must be a following because McDonald's keeps on bringing it back. And making a really big deal about it, too.

Perhaps I should have known better, but I'll be darned if the pictures don't make the McRib look reasonably good. At least, the first picture did, the one on the drive-thru menu. As I pulled up to the window, however, there was a second, smaller picture of the McRib, and it looked oddly discolored, like it was smothered in porridge instead of barbecue sauce. Suddenly, I felt put off, but it was too late.

The biggest problem with the McRib is also the most obvious one - what meat is that? I assume it's either beef or pork, but there's nothing distinctive about it except for a surprisingly unpleasant texture. There's virtually no animal that we commonly consume that I wouldn't believe might be the primary ingredient in the McRib, though, up to and including pheasant. All I know is that I ran into small, unpleasantly hard bits every few bites.

The McRib comes with nothing more than onions, pickles, and barbecue sauce, which usually puts me in condiment heaven, but I ended up having to pick off the pickles (hamburger dills are not my favorite and were simply too overwhelming, flavor-wise), and the barbecue sauce was unable to completely mask the mystery meat's lackluster flavor. Only the onions really provided what I was hoping to get from the sandwich, but onions aren't everything, even for me.

Ultimately, I couldn't even finish the thing, and moved on to my Filet-o-Fish with 10-15% of the McRib still sitting there. I mean, it just really isn't good. I've got a suspicion that McDonald's is fully aware of this, and that's why they only sell it for part of the year - absence makes the heart (or in this case, the stomach, I guess) grow fonder, after all. Still, I'd have thought more people might have caught on by now. Seriously, gross.


At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's pork. Boneless pork. You don't really care for pork all that much, as I recall...

At 10:42 AM, Blogger Flax said...

I like *some* pork. The tenderloin I had at D&J Bistro was incredible, for example. What I really don't care much for are the other pig products (ham and bacon).

My boss told me that he heard the availability of the McRib was tied almost exclusively to pork prices, and that when they were low, McDonald's would bring the sandwich back. Makes sense enough, I guess.

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason, when I was younger I was always into the McRib. Maybe because it was a type of sandwich unlike other types of fast food sandwiches I was used to having at the time. I think the fact that it was only available once a year gave it a mystical quality as well.

I had it once last year just for old time's sake and was disappointed. I'll stick with Big Macs and Quarter Pounders from now on during the rare McDonald's trips I make.

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a gross experience is pretty much what you get for eating at mcdonalds. come on. now, did you think about what kind of fish is in that filet?


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